Lutfi Zainal Abidin
Personal Trainer
The more we know, the more we don’t know. Yet there is a minimum we need to know to achieve our goals.
It is my task to meet you where you are and take you to where you want to go.
Job Title
Health CoachContact
91851363 Mobile Number | Email Address |
Speciality Training
Fitness for Older Adults, Strength & Conditioning, Weight Management
Featured on GetActiveTV, Berita Harian, Straits Times and Fitness Career for Strength & Fitness for older adults, and potential for a robust career in the Fitness Industry in Singapore.
Professional Experience
11 Years in the Health & Fitness Industry;
Commercial Fitness, Rehabilitation settings, Government Wellness and Fitness, Corporate Wellness.
Merging professional experience and lifelong learning to provide solutions to clients and partners.