Building a Community

As we continue to brace this season together for just 1-2 weeks , let us continuously lift up and support one another. Thank you to all of you for lending strength and truly keeping united during these times.

It is at times like this that we have come to appreciate what unity really means and therefore we are pleased to have both Rasidah Caudal and Siti Zhywee paying it forward with their time on 8 June (TUES), 3-5pm just for our community.

Join us for a 2hr interview forum with Rasidah Caudal, Sr Master Trainer of Asia for Piloxing and Master Trainer for ACE GFI, NICA Committee Member for Group Instructors and Siti Zhywee, Master Trainer for Fight Do and AFAA GFI, Co-founder FitWarriors and Head Coach for Alpha Fitness.

Theme: Building a Community
Date: 8 June (TUES), 3-5pm

A conversation on building a community during pre-covid19 and now. If the landscape has changed much with regards to sustaining a community during Covid19 and insights on how to build a community.

Please register to receive your zoom link for this exclusive interview.