Prolonged Medical Leave for Self-Employed Persons

Prolonged Medical Leave (PML) insurance is intended to mitigate loss of income, particularly during long periods of illness, injury or hospitalisation.

It is well known that one common concern amongst exercise professionals, is the high risk of getting sick or injured that could result in loss of earnings, particularly in the freelance and self-employed workforce that is plentiful in this field. When considering the physically and mentally demands endured by the nature of work, it is no surprise that this group of professionals are highly susceptible to physical injuries or illnesses, which could result in the inability to perform work related duties, ultimately placing them out of income.

Does this Sound familiar?

Is this something you would like to prevent?

Did you know that this issue has been identified by the Tripartite Workgroup (TWG) on Self-Employed Persons as one of the key challenges for the self-employed workforce and actions have been taken alongside NTUC Income and Gigacover to provide suitable options for our workforce.

NTUC Income

A health insurance plan that provides daily cash benefit if you are hospitalised or on hospitalisation or medical leave for prolong period as a result of illness or injury which happens during the period of insurance.

What is covers?

-Daily Hospital Income and/or Hospitalisation Leave Benefit
-Daily Cash Benefit

For more information and to learn more check out NTUC Income


Giga Cover

Giga Cover have developed a second product, Freelancer Income Protection (FLIP)
This allows our exercise professionals to get paid event when you are unable to work due toillness or injury

● Up to $200/day for 12 weeks if you are unable to work.
● Change or stop coverage anytime without penalty!
● Premiums starting from ~$2.26/week.
● Underwritten by Etiqa Insurance Pte Ltd

To learn more on FLIP check our Giga Cover today